
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things I'd like to say about infertility...

but can't because people will think I'm being whiny and overdramatic. And yes, I fully realize that by being open about my infertility struggles and what I'm going through that I open myself up to comments and opinions. This post is just my way of trying to be funny about it and vent all at the same time.

- If you've never dealt with infertility, you don't know what I'm going through. I know you don't know what else to say, but please don't tell me you understand.

- If one more person tells me, "just relax, have a glass of wine, have fun with it and it will happen," I might punch them in the mouth. Trying after 15 months isn't relaxing or fun anymore, it's a full-time job!

- I love my doctor and no, I don't want to go to yours.

- I know that I should, "think positive!" However, 15 months of failure and defeat have put a real damper on my positive thinking.

- Yes, I have been tested for that and my results were normal.

- I use words like ovaries, uterus, ovulate, progesterone, sperm, egg, follicle, cervix, and clomid in daily conversations. If this makes you uncomfortable, I recommend we don't talk for a while.

- My body is constantly suffering from PPP, which stands for Pricked, Probed and Poked. Please consult my doctor and my husband for full details.

- I'm really happy for your best friend's cousin's Aunt's daughter who was able to get pregnant after she "fill in the blank" but I'll stick with what my doctor suggests.

- The funniest suggestion I have received thus far was to put my legs up in the air post-baby making and move my legs around like I was riding a bicycle, I'm so not kidding!

- If I seem a little on edge, I probably am. The concoction of drugs I'm on tend to enhance my natural crazy. To confirm this, please see my husband.

- If you ask me how I'm doing and my eyes start to well up with tears, I promise I'm ok. Please see above about the concoction of drugs.


  1. Love the post Sara!
    By the way-did I tell you about my friend who....Just kidding. Hang in there!
    Love, Yola

  2. Aw! Hugs from an overseas reader. Hang in there, Sara and Michael.

  3. I totally get this post...going through the same thing!

  4. Love this post! So so true for all of that! Let me know how the bicycle advice goes! Crazy!!! :-)
