Ethan, every day you surprise Daddy and I with something new. You are always just the happiest, most fun little boy all the time. As you develop and learn new things, we are just in awe of you. We are the luckiest parents alive to have you for our son. We can't wait to celebrate your first year of life next month at your birthday party. We also have our first family vacation to look forward to and celebrating your actual birthday on the beach!
You weigh 25 pounds 3oz, the 73rd percentile.
You are 33.5 inches tall, still our little giant!
Clothing Size:
You are wearing 12 months and 12-18 months, and they are still fitting you well. 18 months are still a tad too big.
You are wearing Pampers size 4.
You are still eating really well. Your favorite foods right now are bananas, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, chicken, zucchini, graham crackers, spinach garlic crackers, and pork tenderloin.
Your hair is golden blonde and I can't wait to see how light it gets on vacation. We still give you a haircut every 2 weeks. Everyone who sees you still comments on your beautiful, sparkling blue eyes!
Sleep is still amazing, you are sleeping at least 12 hours at night. You are still doing great with taking 2 naps too. You nap from 9-10:30 in the morning and 1-3:00 in the afternoon. You always wake up happy, smiling, giggling and ready to play. You poke your little head up when I walk into the room and always greet me with a smile.
Dada, Mama, dog, ball, bye bye, oh, no, uh-oh, oh-no, yeah
Dada, Mama, dog, ball, bye bye, oh, no, uh-oh, oh-no, yeah
You continue to surprise us with your vocabulary. I'm so surprised every time you say something new. You love to talk and I just love hearing your little voice, it is so cute!
Fun Stuff You Did This Month:
Walking with your Walker
You are officially on the move! You are not walking on your own yet but you love to walk with your walker.
Wagon Ride
We bought you a wagon for your first birthday but we gave you a sneak preview last weekend because we finally got some beautiful weather we just couldn't let it sit there. You absolutely loved it and I can't wait to take lots of Summer strolls with it!
First Birthday Party
We celebrated your first birthday with a Mickey themed birthday party. I had so much fun planning and making things for your party. You had so much fun even though you had a double ear infection. You apparently don't have a sweet tooth though because you didn't eat one bit of your cake! You got so many amazing presents and we had a beautiful day to celebrate you with our friends and family.
Your first year month by month
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