
Saturday, December 17, 2011

25 Days of Christmas: Day 17 - Tis the Season For Giving Back

One of the things Michael and I try to every year is gave back in some way. We are very fortunate compared to many others and this time of year is so special to us we like to pass our Christmas spirit on. The past few years we've donated to Toys for Tots and we continued that tradition again this year. I loaded up a cart full of toys at Target and then delivered them to our local drop off.

1 comment:

  1. I always do this as well! I'll buy some things to send to the food banks, and there is always a huge bin at work for Toys for Tots. Today I was grocery shopping, and they had brown paper bags that the store had filled with canned goods. You could buy them for $5 each, and then leave them in a bin at the front of the store for the local food banks. I thought that was so clever! I figure every little bit helps, right?
