
Friday, July 24, 2009

Meet our puppy Porkchop!

Porkchop Applesauce Dworianyn is our puppy. He celebrated his 2nd birthday on July 14th. We got him only 2 weeks after moving into our house. It was a little crazy, but he was such a good puppy from the very beginning.

This is a picture from the day we brought him home. He was so tiny, only a little over a pound!

He is spoiled rotten and we treat him like he is our baby. He is a bonifide member of the family and we take him pretty much everywhere we go. When he was really little I used to bring him shopping with me in a puppy tote.

People who have pets will totally understand, but there is just nothing like coming home to an animal that is always happy to see you and missed you all day long. We love taking him for walks and visits to Petsmart. He is hilarious at Petsmart around all the other dogs and not to mention the toys and rawhides. He absolutely loves it!

Here are a few more of my favorite Porkchop pics!

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